Sunday, June 14, 2015

Surrender your agenda.

Recently I attended a MOPS training day. The three stand out words for the day: 

Surrender your agenda. 

These three words hit me on the forehead. 

Hello. Yes! It does feel like you are talking to me. 

I realised and questioned and quiered myself. 

Do I make time to just be at home with my family?

Or am I too busy with being busy? 

Who suffers when we are too busy? We all do!

Am I prioritising correctly?

What needs to change?

Am I over committed? Are WE over committed?

Last week there was a day when the girls and I were at home. I decided to surrender my agenda. We went outside and played playdough in the winter sun. It was calm. It was lovely. It was fun. It was peaceful. it was quality time. Everyone was happier for the time spent together.