Monday, May 25, 2015

The pink cup

Picture this:
It is bedtime at our house. 

"Eva would you like some milk?" I ask.
"Mmm-hmmm." comes the reply. 
So I pour Eva (aged three) some milk in a purple cup and place it on the table.
Eva crosses her arms, pouts her lips and says "No. I want the pink cup."

How many times have we done this to God. He says "Here... I have this for you."
And I fold my arms, pout my lips and say "Awwww God. I wanted the pink cup instead!"

Hello.... anyone there?
I am so guilty of this. Whether I realise it or not. 

So here are some reminders:

God knows you. He made you. He loves you.
He has the best for you.
He knows that the purple cup is best for you.
He knows what lies ahead of you.
He knows what you are going through.
He WILL carry you.
He WILL sustain you.
He WILL guide you.
He WILL strengthen you.

His strength is made perfect in your weakness.

Be encouraged friend.


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